
戴尔公司周三表示,自 11 月 14 日,发现并阻止试图窃取客户数据的黑客五天后,它重新设置了戴尔网上电子商店所有账户的密码。据一位知情人士透露,戴尔在强制重设密码时没有向客户透露攻击事件 … 11 月 9 日,戴尔在一份声明中称,该公司发现并阻止了黑客入侵网络,并试图窃取客户数据。调查人员没有发现黑客成功窃取数据的证据,但也未排除数据丢失的可能,包括客户姓名、电子邮件地址和密码。戴尔拒绝透露有多少账户受到影响,但表示黑客攻击的账户是随机的,没有针对性。

Dell confirms it disrupted a hacking attempt on its website, resets user passwords

Security breaches are nothing new, with the past few years having seen an increasing number of hacking incidents involving large and small companies. While many of these attacks compromised the data of end-users, such as the massive Yahoo breach in 2016, some attempts have been apparently unsuccessful.

Such is the case with a recent unauthorized activity on Dell’s website, which the company claims was meant to extract the personal information of its customers. According to the American computer maker, it managed to block a hacking attempt on Dell.com on November 9, targeting customer names, email addresses, and hashed passwords.

The company has since performed steps to counter the malicious activity including resetting customer passwords after detecting the attempted attack. However, Dell admits that it’s possible some customer information was lost from its network.

Dell said in a press release:

Though it is possible some of this information was removed from Dell’s network, our investigations found no conclusive evidence that any was extracted. Additionally, Dell cybersecurity measures are in place to limit the impact of any potential exposure.

Thankfully, the incident did not target credit card and other sensitive data nor did it have any adverse impact on the company’s products or services. It’s not clear, though, how many customers may have been potentially affected by the breach attempt. As a best practice, Dell recommends that customers avoid using the same passwords for all their online accounts.